Thursday 3 March 2011

Sonic the Hedgehog: 8 bit

The first sonic game to be released was simply entitled 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and came out to wave of success in 1991. It was originally formatted on a cartridge that was compatible with the SEGA Master System and a little bit later the SEGA Game Gear. Images of these two consoles can be found here and here. It was in fact the last game to be released on the SEGA Master System, and has since been available for purchase on the Wii, GameCube, PC, Playstation 2 and Xbox.

The game consists of six worlds (called zones), each made up of three acts. In each act, the player must survive enemies and obstacles while progressing through the stage to accomplish a goal within the time limit. In the first two acts, the goal is to cross a Bonus Plate at the end, a signboard which then spins on its post to reveal a possible random bonus such as extra rings, lives, or access to a Special Stage. The third act contains a boss battle with Dr. Robotnik.

The game features the same general mechanics as the Mega Drive game, in which Sonic can run at high speeds, and roll or somersault into things to damage them with his spins. Throughout the game Sonic can collect rings, which protect him in the event of a contact-based injury. Boss levels have no rings, requiring the player to traverse them without being hit. The player has a number of lives with which to complete the game. If all lives are lost, the game ends.

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