Thursday 30 September 2010

Type Workshop: 30th Sep

Today we had our first type workshop with Graham from vis-com. To be completely honest I found the session a bit tedious at first. However when we got into the swing of things and were asked to use type effectively through just a few simple exercises my mind was opened and I began to appreciate type all the more. I learned some vital information about the introduction of type, right back to Gutenberg's first printing press in 1452, right through some interesting theories as to where type is going in the future. Graham whole heartedly believes that because most of the text we read these days is on screen, and the fonts used where designed for paper, its inevitable that they will evolve into something more efficient and effective. In terms of getting to grips with using type properly we where asked to communicate a simple series of words using just black fonts and the positioning on the screen. These things included our own names right through to a guard dog.

The one thing that was most important to take away from this session is that:

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